Education for Homeless Children & Youth
The Indian River School District shall adhere to the provisions of the federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act aligned to our policy EE.1. This law minimizes educational disruptions experienced by students who are experiencing homelessness thus ensuring them immediate enrollment.
Under McKinney-Vento, the right to a free, appropriate, public education are part of this Act assuring that all homeless students have these rights. When students become homeless, they can remain enrolled in the schools they have been attending, although they might no longer meet residency requirements. McKinney-Vento also has assurances that homeless students have the right to enroll in a public school even if they lack the typically required documents and immunizations. In addition, the transportation needs with our homeless students are part of these assured requirements to and from school immediately.
According to the McKinney-Vento Act, “homeless” can be defined as an individual who lacks a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence, including children and youth:
- Living with friends or a family member due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or similar reason (example: evicted, loss of job, etc.)
- Living in motels, hotels, trailer parks or camping grounds due to lack of alternative adequate housing
- Living in a shelter or emergency housing
- Abandoned in hospitals
- Living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations
- Having a primary nighttime residence that is a public or private place not designed for regular sleeping accommodations
- Migratory students meeting the above definition and/or description(s)
To learn if your family is eligible to receive services, please contact your child's school for more information:
CLICK HERE for our McKinney-Vento Building Liaison List
First State Community Action Agency
First State Community Action Agency is a non-profit organization that offers a number of emergency services, including:
• Housing Counseling/Rental Assistance
• Emergency Food/Eviction Prevention/Shelter Locations
• Medical Assistance
• Comprehensive Case Management
• Job Training
Additional information can be found using the link below.
DEHAP Rental Assistance
Those who have been and are being impacted by Covid-19, DEHAP can assist eligible renter households with rent, current and forward rent, utility and present bills, and those facing eviction. DSHA offers free in-person application assistance. They have over 35 community partners across the state who are ready to assist you and provide step-by-step support.
The Delaware State Housing Authority has submitted its Mortgage Relief Program Plan to the U.S. Department of the Treasury for approval.
Families that have questions about DEHAP call at 866-935-0407 or go to the link to register and get notifications.
Emergency Rental Assistance
Tenants who need emergency assistance can contact the below nonprofit organizations for possible services.
• Community Resources Center - 302-227-1340
• Catholic Charities - 302-655-9624
• First State Community Action Agency - 800-372-2240
• Salvation Army - 302-472-0731
• West End Neighborhood House - 302-658-4171
• Lutheran Community Services - 302-654-8886
• Delaware Volunteer Legal Services - 1-800-478-8680
Documentation Needed
• Identification (Driver's License, State Identification Card)
• Provide the Social Security numbers/cards for all the members in the household.
• Proof of residency if the address on your driver's license is different from your home address. Utility bills are accepted.
• Proof of income (pay stubs, income tax return).
• All household bills (phone, utilities, car payment/insurance, etc.)
• Verification of need (eviction notice, utility disconnect notice, etc.)
College/Trade School Financial Aid Services
For students considering to further their education at a college, university, or trade school, there are specific resources available to aid foster/homeless students.
Stand by Me NexGen has been working with every district in Delaware since 2014 to provide schools and students with financial aid resources, information, and one-on-one FAFSA assistance. All of their services are free of charge. Stand by Me NexGen is supported by the Higher Education Office of the Delaware Department of Education and operates under the auspices of The United Way of Delaware. Below is a link to the website needed to register for services and flyers for upcoming public events.
District Administrator for Homeless Education
Walter E. Smith Jr., M.Ed.
Indian River School District
30207 Frankford School Rd.
Frankford, DE 19945
(302) 364-3300, Ext. 121064 (office)
(302) 732-3790 (fax)