The IRSD Department of Special Services, in collaboration with the Special Education Task Force, chaired by Dr. Heather Statler, is excited to announce that our nomination link is open for the 2023-2024 Special Education Ambassadors! The nomination link will remain open through July 27, 2023.
Indian River School District will host our annual Special Education week in October 2023. IRSD will be honoring staff members in each building and members of the community who embrace and promote a culture of support and success for students with disabilities. These individuals will receive recognition for being Special Education Ambassadors. We believe Ambassadors are those who carry a positive message of inclusiveness for students with disabilities and serve as a role model to their colleagues and the community. Ambassadors clearly support a mission to allow students identified with disabilities to become emotionally, socially, and academically successful learners ready to fulfill their lifelong goals.
CLICK HERE to nominate an ambassador.